Thursday, May 28, 2009
konnichiwaaaaa b*tch*s
O, and i don't actually have my MBA yet but part of the reason i'm writing right now is cuz i've come upon some most excellent realizations after vocal rehearsal tonight. (and the other reason is cuz i'm keeping myself from crying over the loss of Future Pat to the evil corporate clutches of the Detroit 8-mile, or is it 9...or some shit?) anyway, I will have my MBA soooon!
so as i sit and google search the how to of my recent job assignment on team Za Buremazu (The Blamers, in Japanese...i can't stop saying it, gomenasai) I discovered an entire career path: Accounting for Music Arts and Entertainment (MBA!). WORD. and so i googled where one might aquire such a degree...Columbia U. hmmm....are there any jobs available to finance my degree for me (and team Buremazu) ;P
(it's affirmative, in case you didn't catch that)
YAY! spring has officially sprung in my blamery lil heart and i can't wait to get workin on all these grand schemes this summer as well as those Lucamotive wrote about in the earlier blog regarrrrdin The Great James Hotel Convention of `09. i also honestly can't wait to incorporate my two new very useful crafts i'm about to develop:
burlesque rock and professional MUA (that's make-up artist in mai world). they go hand-in-hand, really.
so now that i've got it all sorted out and i'm about to get my beauty rest so i can get to work and function like a normal human being for once tomorrow, i ask you this...*
who shall my first burlesque rock persona be?
Lieka Kitty Ivantit
The Dread Pirate Hori Mori
????? ?? ??? ?????
*as determined by the bylaws of theblamers, llc the winning entry shall claim two (2) tickets to The Blamers show of Mai choosing.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Remembering Victor Jara

The BBC article reports that Jara's killer, one of Pinochet's henchmen, has been charged with his murder. But the two men that were actually responsible for this horrific bit of American history , U.S. President Richard Nixon and then CIA director Richard Helms, spent the rest of their lives without being brought to justice.
Brain words
I must have been overwhelmed by the opulence of the James Hotel when I agreed to write this week's entry (yes, we are supposed to have weekly entries...) Caitlin, our manager, said that we needed to start taking more responsibility in the band, because she's been working so hard for us that she's barely had time to take care of her dog, Jaeger. She just pours a few weeks' worth of dog food in the middle of her living room.
To intimidate us into accepting our responsibilities, she reserved a table at a hoity-toity downtown hotel. I walked in (half an hour late, as usual, and under-dressed; I felt like a commoner) to see Pat wearing a smoking jacket and cravat, speaking in a lowland accent. Molly was sipping a pomegranate mintini, and Jeff was reading a copy of Faulkner's Sound and the Fury.
The first 15 minutes of the meeting was spent trying to get Kyle to shut up. We decided that since he has no computer or sense of deadlines, he should handle all the online postings about our gigs. I volunteered for the blog, thinking this was going to be the easiest job. But, it is turning out to be more difficult than I had ever imagined. It is so hard to make brain words right now. I'm writing one letter at a time.
(That last paragraph caused me excruciating pain and took over three hours to write. And afterwards I had to go to the hospital - brain explosion.... Anyhow, I'm much better now, thanks to my record-breakingly thick skull)
Before I end this, I just wanted to give you something to think about: the Moon... For or Against?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Videos from Martyrs' Show
Here are three videos courtesy of my lil bro Mickey from our show last night at Martyrs'. Thanks to everyone who came to see us-- we had a blast and really appreciate all the support.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
for eddie
taken to space
(copy and paste link)
Monday, May 4, 2009

Today, our power got turned off. I tried to make coffee, but the coffee pot wouldn't turn on. I then moved said pot to another outlet, but to no avail. I suddenly realized I had to pee, but the lights were broken in the bathroom. I checked the apartment building's hallway to see if the lights were on. They were. It was only my apartment that was thrust into the Medieval era. I set some old newspapers on fire in the sink and tried to boil some water to pour over the coffee grinds in my Vietnamese coffee making set. Guess I should drink the milk before it goes bad.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Why luke is "funny"
Ok, first of all I would like to not take any responsibility for what I write here, because I've been at work for 8 hours, and I'm going slightly mad. Secondly, I think a practice on Sunday would be fine. And also practice on Monday is ok, and, of course, Weds is ok, and in the meantime let's practice on Tuesday as well. Also, I heard about a practice space that is at the Ashland stop of the Green line, and it goes for 360 a month, which is not cheaper than what we pay at Fabien's. Why did I think that it was? So disregard what I just wrote, because that makes no sense. I need to brush up on my addition. Or maybe I should just learn to multiply. Of course I've been capable of that since puberty AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK, if you're still with me here, then you have pursued this email to the utmost, when of course you should have realized that the most important part was at the beginning when I said I could come to practice on Sunday. But respect to you, I am very impressed at your dedication to the time I wasted on this. See, we are now wasting time together. Isn't this great? OK, I should probably apologize. I didn't mean for this to be this long, but it just keeps going and going, and I promised myself that I was just going to see where this went and not erase anything. So... Mucca Pazza, right? Kyle you missed out, you sick motherfucker. That was a fun show. Anyhow... I would write more but I will stop. Because you're probably looking at yourself thinking, what is this stupid shit? Well, first of all, I resent the fact that you think my writing is stupid and fecal. What kind of bandmates would say that? I hate you all... That's not true. You are all great, in a mediocre sort of way. The mediocre part is an understatement, and the great part is what you should remember about yourself, you self-centered sonuvabitch. (did you notice how the swearing increased exponentially as this letter went on?)