Friday, May 1, 2009

Why luke is "funny"

Note to reader: This email was received by members of the Blamers on April the 9th the year of our lord Aught Nine. We had to share it.

Ok, first of all I would like to not take any responsibility for what I write here, because I've been at work for 8 hours, and I'm going slightly mad. Secondly, I think a practice on Sunday would be fine. And also practice on Monday is ok, and, of course, Weds is ok, and in the meantime let's practice on Tuesday as well. Also, I heard about a practice space that is at the Ashland stop of the Green line, and it goes for 360 a month, which is not cheaper than what we pay at Fabien's. Why did I think that it was? So disregard what I just wrote, because that makes no sense. I need to brush up on my addition. Or maybe I should just learn to multiply. Of course I've been capable of that since puberty AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK, if you're still with me here, then you have pursued this email to the utmost, when of course you should have realized that the most important part was at the beginning when I said I could come to practice on Sunday. But respect to you, I am very impressed at your dedication to the time I wasted on this. See, we are now wasting time together. Isn't this great? OK, I should probably apologize. I didn't mean for this to be this long, but it just keeps going and going, and I promised myself that I was just going to see where this went and not erase anything. So... Mucca Pazza, right? Kyle you missed out, you sick motherfucker. That was a fun show. Anyhow... I would write more but I will stop. Because you're probably looking at yourself thinking, what is this stupid shit? Well, first of all, I resent the fact that you think my writing is stupid and fecal. What kind of bandmates would say that? I hate you all... That's not true. You are all great, in a mediocre sort of way. The mediocre part is an understatement, and the great part is what you should remember about yourself, you self-centered sonuvabitch. (did you notice how the swearing increased exponentially as this letter went on?)

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