Friday, August 14, 2009

How Jeff survived the British Desert and acquired the tentacular violin…

This story is completely true, and we all have one. More to come…

“Two weeks in the desert will change a man,” Jeff muttered, his voice scoured by sun and heat. “Glistening lakes ever in the distance, shimmering silver on the horizon, filled with sweet, cool, life-giving water. They were lies. Lies! The Madness. The Heat. The Sand, woe, always the Sand! Chafing... chafing... chafing..."

The insane fire faded from his eyes and finally he slept like a dog (dreaming of chasing rabbits through endless fields of grass). Jeff had wandered into the Great British Desert not twenty minutes before. The desert, located in Mauritania, is really quite puny, and if the frequent thunderstorms aren’t enough to keep you away, then bear in mind that you can get a pretty nasty sunburn when it isn’t raining.

A shaft of light streamed through a porthole and pierced Jeff in the eyeball. He awoke, shackled to the bulwarks of a Spanish frigate heading for the South Seas. He heard sea chanteys. A skeleton was chained up beside him. And, dear lord, is that a parrot? Suddenly he realized this predicament was entirely too cliché. Breaking the chains, but leaving the bulwarks relatively unharmed, he battled his way to the main deck and dove into the sea, declaring, “I don’t know how to swim!”

It wasn’t long before he was thrown up on the barnacled shores of a giant’s armpit. Palm trees grew from a thick, sweaty mat of hair and Birds of Paradise nested there. For days he roamed savannahs and glens, for grass had grown where skin should be. And, in a moment of complete cosmic psychosis, the giant exploded, and Jeff was launched high into the air.

In many ways, Jeff’s life is best described as a series of massive explosions…

The mystery of how the tentacular violin came into being is… a mystery. All anyone knows, and that includes Jeff, is that one day he arrived at band practice, opened his case, and gasped (For over an hour. One long inhalation, causing a massive low pressure system that still lingers somewhere over the Atlantic). The old violin had been replaced with one carved from the tentacular hook of a giant squid. With reverence that even the Pope would find awe-inspiring, Jeff’s trembling hand reached out and grasped the object. He took the bow and slowly drew it across the glimmering calcium filaments that stretched across the instrument. The violin was silent. Then, imperceptively, a tremulous note sang out. A primal scream escaped Jeff’s lips. His left brain fled, and his right brain left, leaving him in the middle with nothing but the most celestial instrument he had ever seen.

Thankfully, Jeff managed to piece together the semblance of a mind. Practice continued as usual. And, though the spectacular tentacular violin has yet to define its true origins, no one in their right mind, or their left, dared question where Jeff got it.

And thusly went going just so did the story go, and so it is today.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Taco Supreme

Today Sonia Sotomayor took the judicial oath and was sworn into the Supreme Court of the United States. If you've been watching Fox news or listening to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh, you know that Justice Sotomayor is an extreme left wing radical activist and racist, who hates white people and is most likely a communist lesbian. Of course these days you can barely hear those allegations over the taunts of paid Republic protestors at town hall meetings who have descended upon this country like a swarm of effigy burning locusts. But I digress. Today is not for them; it is for Justice Sotomayor whose historic nomination should put the Court into perspective of the bleary eyes of the American people.

Most of our fellow Americans cannot name one member of the Supreme Court - let alone all nine - nor do they understand the radical shift the court has taken in their lifetimes. The shift I am referring to is not one to the left spurred by the presence of Justice Sotomayor but rather a dramatic shift to the right in the past thirty years, one which was intensified during W's administration with the appointments of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito - both of whom are grade A, blue ribbon, God-fearin neo-cons. To understand the Court's shift in politics, consider this: Justice Sotomayor replaced David Souter, a liberal by today's standards but who was appointed by H. W. Bush and considered to be conservative back in the early 90s.

After H.W. nominated Clarence Thomas (who is so right wing that he was the only dissent in Safford Unified School District v. Redding, which involved the unnecessary strip search of a 13-year-old girl by several school officials) Souter moved towards the middle of the Court. By the time Roberts became Chief Justice, Souter was consistently voting with the liberal wing, such as his dissent on Gonzales v. Oregon, which ruled that the prescription of medication for assisted suicide is unconstitutional, and Gonzales v. Carhart, which upheld W's partial-birth abortion ban.

Another prime example of the Court's shift is Justice John Paul Stevens. Justice Stevens, who grew up in Chicago, was nominated by Republican President Gerald Ford. Today, however, Justice Stevens is considered to be the most liberal Justice on the Court, and will not retire until he's sure his replacement will not be another Antonin Scalia or Samuel Alito. What does it mean when a Justice once considered to be conservative has to wait for a Democratic President and Congress in order to retire? This illustrates that what was once the conservative right is now the middle, and what was once the left is now languishing in the dissenting opinions for the majority of split cases. Justice Stevens, by the way, wrote the dissenting opinion -and quite a passionate one at that - in Bush v. Gore, which is often cited as the worst mistake the Court has made since Dred Scott.

As much as the neo-cons bitch and moan about Justice Sotomayor, she almost certainly will not be as liberal as Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black member of the Supreme Court.

But her presence will be no less valuable. However, the replacement of Souter with Sotomayor will have but a minimal impact on the outcome of future cases. Until President Obama or perhaps future Democratic Presidents have the opportunity to replace the ultra-conservative wing of the Court, it will remain - like Congress - skewed to the right of regular Americans. Sotomayor's appointment isn't so much as step in the right direction as it is a pivot - so let's all thank God it's not another step in the wrong direction.
Just so nobody has to look on wikipedia, here is a list of the current Court - I've divided up the members into "liberal" and "conservative". Enjoy.
Kennedy (swing)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Caitlin's Bday!

We recently celebrated our manager Caitlin's birthday. Bear Witness:

Ps. We are now on LAST FM. Go listen to us!

Photos from the Studio!

So, we have some great news. Our friend, the legendary Nik Lund, has offered to help us record the rest of the tracks for our debut LP. Nik works downtown at Piano Forte, located in the Fine Arts Building. Since he is our formidable equal in nocturnality, he has offered us near free-reign of the building's 10 floors every day after 6. We have only just begun recording, but can already tell that the place is magic. The entire building, which was built in 1880, is a veritable labyrinth of artist studios and rare instrument merchants. I am pretty sure its at least moderately haunted and the acoustics are fantastic! We are even going to use the concert pianos in the ballroom and I really want to record some background vocals in the creepy bathroom on the sixth floor... the options are endless! Anyway, we will keep you guys updated with the continued development of the record and upload some pics, too. Here is the first batch, they aren't great, but they will have to do:

Our new nocturnal home

A Typical haunted hallway

The local fauna

the mandolin recording solitary confinement booth

In other news: Word on the street is that we are prepping to release a series of limited edition 7 inch singles before we unleash our LP unto the world. We neither confirm nor deny this accusation.. and instead choose to smile slyly and continue our underhanded musical scheming. bwahahaha.


Fiery Furnaces Release

Fiery Furnaces Release "Silent" Record

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We should definitely host a "happening"