So, we have some great news. Our friend, the legendary Nik Lund, has offered to help us record the rest of the tracks for our debut LP. Nik works downtown at Piano Forte, located in the
Fine Arts Building. Since he is our formidable equal in nocturnality, he has offered us near free-reign of the building's 10 floors every day after 6. We have only just begun recording, but can already tell that the place is magic. The entire building, which was built in 1880, is a veritable labyrinth of artist studios and rare instrument merchants. I am pretty sure its at least moderately haunted and the acoustics are fantastic! We are even going to use the concert pianos in the ballroom and I really want to record some background vocals in the creepy bathroom on the sixth floor... the options are endless! Anyway, we will keep you guys updated with the continued development of the record and upload some pics, too. Here is the first batch, they aren't great, but they will have to do:

Our new nocturnal home

A Typical haunted hallway

The local fauna

the mandolin recording solitary confinement booth
In other news: Word on the street is that we are prepping to release a series of limited edition 7 inch singles before we unleash our LP unto the world. We neither confirm nor deny this accusation.. and instead choose to smile slyly and continue our underhanded musical scheming. bwahahaha.
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