Wattson Goes To Work:
Mr. Wattson was just like everyone else in the land of Bulbaria. Every day he'd wake up, put on a suit and tie, screw his head on tight, then he'd check the weather, grab a quick bowl of frosted copper wires and electron pops, strap himself to a balloon and head to work. It wasn't an exciting life, but Wattson didn't know that at the time. He was just a regular Bulbarian, with a regular 9 to 5 and little to regret or look forward to.
Here we see Wattson on his commute. He is late, as usual... another tick against him on his boss's growing list of grievances. But, he doesn't let that bother him. This is always the best part of his day, when the full glory of Shell City is laid out before him, and he's not going to let the vicissitudes of his mundane life ruin it. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, whichever way you look at it) things are about to change big time!
Wattson Meets the Cyclops:
Cyclops are fairly common in Bulbaria, though rarely do they actually interact with the general population. As they see mainly in 7th dimension, full of neutrino ribbons and sparks of time-future, it's not easy for them to relate to others. On the rare instance that they do approach strangers, it's usually because they're hungry. As you can see, times have been tough for the Cyclops - meals have been hard to find on the only road through Darkfang Forest.
Here we see Wattson many days after his balloon popped while commuting to work over the Great Bulbarian Desert. It has been a few hours since he reached Darkfang Forest. Suddenly, a massive hand, big enough to grind him into dust, reaches out for him. Behind it, an emaciated, one-eyed giant kneels and eyes him smilingly. For a moment, Wattson thinks the Cyclops is going to gobble him up. But, as the one-eyed giant has only just finished off a caravan of gypsies (the first meal he'd had for weeks) he only wants to make friends. Wattson and the Cyclops soon become pals, but, eventually, our hero realizes it's time to move on - his cyclopean friend begins to eye him hungrily after a few days, and Wattson sees that their friendship could never survive his being eaten...
Wattson Tries Out His Giant Shoes:
When we last saw Wattson, he was average-sized. After spending a few days in Darkfang Forest, accompanying the Cyclops on day hikes and spending evenings by a roaring bonfire, Wattson decides, for his own safety, it is time to move on. However, before he leaves, his one-eyed friend teaches him a spell that all cycloptics learn on their seventh birthday (as everyone knows, the cyclops of Bulbaria are born quite normal-sized, and achieve their great height through the use of magic).

Here we see Wattson returning to Shell City after employing the Cycloptic's Double Vedic Growing Spell. As you can see, he is much larger than he should be.
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